HeaRT In Christ

Hope, Renewal & Transformation

1 on 1 Life Coaching & Spiritual Care with Dr. Ioana Popa

  I coach Christian Women

High Level Professionals & Servant Leaders

to stay joyfully centered in Christ, 

no matter the season.

Yes, I am interested!

'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' Matthew 22:38-39 NKJV 

As a Professional Christian Woman and Servant Leader...

  • Are you a woman of action, a 'mover and a shaker'? 
  • Going through a turbulent season, an external 'hurricane' of some sort which is shifting your life as you previously knew it?
  • Experiencing a sense of loss of direction, meaning, grief or on the verge of burnout and wanted to shift toward joy in Christ?
  • Hearing a deeper call to lean more and more in Christ and living a life of significance in God?
  • Wanting to find and sustain that 'peace that surpasses all understanding,' so that you can thrive in your life? 
  • Deep down desiring to be in the world not only as 'Martha' but as 'Mary' as well?
  • Tried to find guidance only to discover either secular psychological help OR spiritual support, but not COMBINED nor INTEGRATED guidance? 

...then it is very likely that this program for you!

What is HeaRT in Christ Program?

This is a unique 1 on 1 Life Coaching and Spiritual Care program helping you as a high level Professional Christian Woman to move from grief to hope, from burnout or renewal, toward wholeness and the 'peace that surpasses all understanding,' so that you can serve and lead others with purpose and joy.

The actionable steps provided by Dr. Ioana in the HeaRT program have helped me unlock doors inside my inner being. I am feeling more free, more confident, have more energy for others, and I've been knowledgably more kind to myself in mind, body, soul, and heart. I am becoming empowered from the inside out, developing skills in self-awareness that help soothe my brokenness, and I'm learning more about the beauty of my faith.

The inner transformation has helped me cross bridges that have stood as obstacles for decades and the work I am doing is improving my relationships with my family and close friends. This program is priceless! Glory to God!

- K.L 

You love to help and give to others: your work, time, talent, resources and compassion. And you are exhausted, running on empty, doing everything for everybody except yourself.
And people see you successful and resourceful and come to you for help. But inside you are aching and longing for something more - and you are not alone. 
As Christian women, there comes a time in our lives when we hear a deep calling from Christ to live an authentic life of purpose in Christ, honoring all our gifts and making a unique contribution and impact in the world.
We try to do that, but often we reach a 'ceiling' in our Vocational and Spiritual Growth due to past conditioned cultural beliefs, unresolved burnout or past losses, betrayals or grief. 
We then might even get dissatisfied with whom we've become, and start doubting ourselves and our faith, which only adds to the problem. 
And if this is you, I want to honor you and your life, as it is precious, 'more precious than the rubies,' and that our God, who is so powerful that can raise the dead - is supporting you abundantly.
If this resonates, keep reading, as I created this program exactly with this in mind.

Dr. Ioana’s framework encourages true objectivity and creativity that lights the way for the individual’s call to purpose with passion. 

 And, the cherry-on-top, is Dr. Ioana’s genuine joy in her journey with you as a sacred soul companion. I will be grateful to her forever.


- Mary-Louise

I feel like so many parts of myself are coming together for the first time. I'm less afraid of forming habits, standing up for myself, and embracing my part in the flow of life and God. I feel like I have found my own gravity.

- Alice, NH 

      HeaRT In Christ Program Details 

Christian women professionals and servant leaders come in this 1 on 1 Spiritual Care Life Coaching Program during a period of shifting life circumstances, as they desire to live an authentic life in Christ and multiply their gifts to impact the world.

Here are the 3 PILLARS:

1. HOPE - moving through and saying goodbye to past losses and grief toward hope.

2. RENEWAL - integrate body, mind, heart and soul, create your unique Renewal Blueprint and regenerate daily, toward achieving highest potential and union with GOD.

3. TRANSFORMATION - breakthrough past conditionings, harness emotions, move past old conditioned beliefs toward high performance and higher purpose.


  • GOALS - right from the beginning we clarify your vision and goals
  • SESSIONS - through our 1:1 life coaching & spiritual care sessions, you receive highly personalized guidance and coaching toward your goals
  • LEARNING - you have instant (and lifetime) access to a comprehensive asynchronous Online Curriculum which you will use throughout the program
  • ASSIGNMENTS - in each session, we decide on personalized assignments to support and empower you to take small steps every day toward your goals
  • CONNECTION - personalized care and interactions in between sessions.
  • ACCOUNTABILITY - built-in accountability through a special life-coaching online program
  • ACTIONS - like 'Martha.' I will guide you and empower you to take specific action-oriented steps toward your goals
  • CONTEMPLATION - like 'Mary.' You will have access to Contemplative Practices to support you to access the 'peace that surpasses all understanding'
  • PRAYER - everything is centered on living a prayerful life in Christ, integrating life and work, and living the sacredness of God in every moment

Dr. Ioana’s nuggets of psychological, scientific and ancient Christian information are very helpful to me. Her ability to express clearly scientific/clinical knowledge while integrating psychology and ancient Christian spirituality is helping me to see myself more clearly!

Dr. Ioana has given me hope, and helped me to feel better about myself...that change is possible for me!


Hi, I am Dr. Ioana and as your sister in Christ, I am so honored that you are reading this! HeaRT in Christ  1:1 Life Coaching & Spiritual Care Program is truly a labor of love in God and for God. 

I created this unique comprehensive program  to bring all my decades of professional and personal experiences to support, guide and empower you through this season in life, with Christ at the center. 

About Dr. Ioana Popa

Interested in the HeaRT Program? 

Book a COMPLIMENTARY Call to see if this Program is the right fit for you!


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