Thriving in Christ 


Realign With Your Purpose In Life and Avoid Overwhelm From Other's Needs

achieving highest potential emotional regulation renewal-on-the-go
Realign With Your Purpose In Life and Avoid Overwhelm From Other's Needs

by Dr. Ioana Popa

As a giver, if you feel at times getting pulled in too many directions during your busy days - juggling different demands from work, family and other people, while squeezing time for yourself, then this video is for you!

Due to our natural tendencies to help others, we can become more susceptible to other's needs, interests and 'gravitational pulls' which can leave us feeling more depleted, off the course and with no energy to do things to regenerate.

In this video, I share what questions to ask yourself, in order to stay grounded and in your own 'orbit', so you can keep on giving.

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