Thriving In Christ


with Dr. Ioana Popa

2 Ways to Transform Old Beliefs, starting with Inner Critic and Doubter achieving highest potential inner parts work

by Dr. Ioana Popa

We grow up with many conditioned beliefs and stories, which many times turn out not to be true. In our desire to change and upgrade them, it is common to find ourselves at a...

Getting over Perfectionism In Self-care inner parts work regenerate & renew renewal-on-the-go

by Dr. Ioana Popa

In my conversations with many professional Christian women, I've noticed a recurring pattern – a struggle to find time to prioritize their own well-being in the midst...

Giving in Balance: Unmet Needs and Wellbeing inner parts work renewal conversations

Interview with Nancy Sowell, LICSW, IFS Trainer

For many givers, it may seem that feeling out of balance is an unavoidable part of the giving journey. This may be partly true nowadays as busyness,...

How to Connect with Your True Self and Soul Part 4 - Practical Steps achieving highest potential care for the soul - true self inner parts work regenerate & renew

by Dr. Ioana Popa

Connecting with our True Self, our Soul, our true inner home, can feel like a daunting task requiring years and years of practice. Nonetheless there is a common...

Internal Dialogue: Can it help in sustaining better habits? Part 4 achieving highest potential inner parts work sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

In sustaining long-term habits and rituals, there is one aspect that is often  OVERLOOKED! It is the nature of our inner conversations as we go about our day and hope to keep...

Befriending Our 'Self-Sacrificing' Part achieving highest potential inner parts work renewal-on-the-go sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

If you feel guilty and undeserving of ‘self-care’ moments even though you know you feel at times running on empty, this video is for you!

As a giver, you might...

Inner Parts Work and Spirituality achieving highest potential care for the soul - true self inner parts work renewal conversations

Interview with Dr. Tom Holmes - Psychologist, Author and International Trainer

Welcome to our Renewal Conversations, as part of our Team For The Soul® - Renewal Nuggets, an Oasis in the Midst...

Befriending 'Procrastination' in Self-Care achieving highest potential inner parts work renewal-on-the-go

by Dr. Ioana Popa

As givers, at times we tend to postpone or procrastinate our self-care or renewal routine because we feel we don't have the time, as we are too busy helping others. It is...

Perfectionism in Self-care: Why It Matters And How To Befriend It achieving highest potential inner parts work renewal-on-the-go

by Dr. Ioana Popa

Most of us have a side of us that is striving for perfection. This can be good at times as it helps us make sure everything gets done well, however, too much of it can also...

Our Ego: Why It Matters And How To Befriend It achieving highest potential inner parts work

by Dr. Ioana Popa

Have you heard of the term Ego, and not sure what to do with it? I’ve been seeing many psychological and spiritual teachings recommending shutting down our Ego as a...