Thriving In Christ


with Dr. Ioana Popa

Are You Using Your Brain’s Hidden Gift To Build Holistic Self-Care? sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

As a Christian woman, you pour out into your work, family, community, vocation, and church and chances are that your plate is full. And probably you might not have time to...

Five Effortless Practices to Close the Gap Between Your Intentions & Actions sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

As successful as we are as Christian Women professionals and servant leaders, how many times do we want to do things and end up delaying or not doing them?

And, at the...

Using Memory Retrieval Cues to Solidify Your Effortless Habits renewal-on-the-go sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

We are often so busy with commitments and giving to others in Christ, that we have to rely heavily on our to-do lists to manage our day.

But unless you are a To-Do-List...

Setting Intentions Effortlessly Using Psychology For The Kingdom grow with scriptures & science & psychology sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

Do intentions matter or not for the Kingdom? And if so, how can I set intentions in a way that feels effortless? Is there a way that God created our brain to support us in...

Central Step in Changing Habits & Overcoming Conformity: Science & Scripture grow with scriptures & science & psychology sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

Many Christian women love to be servant leaders, give to others and nurture communities. At the same time, as they do this, they can get pulled into group dynamics such as...

Chronic Stress: Consequences & Steps to Avoid It, With Dr. Mary Pearson, Primary Care Physician renewal conversations sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

As Christian women professionals and servant leaders, we often find ourselves wrestling with the balance between giving and receiving, serving and self-care, especially when...

Mindset Shift for Trusting Prayers: Steady Seeds for the Kingdom grow with scriptures & science & psychology sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

Many times we pray and, if the answers come quickly, we feel so blessed. But what if our prayers aren't answered right away or seemingly not at all? Even if many times we...

One Morning Ritual to Strengthen Your Inner 'Navigation System' prepare for giving sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

I hope you are well! As I have been researching the particular ways women are built by God, I came across this particular psychological gift that we have: that of "Emotional...

Hidden Brain Power to Do Holistic Self-Care, for Christian Women renewal-on-the-go sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

As a Christian woman, you probably already have a busy to-do list and want to accomplish so much in your vocation, your family and church community, with little time for...

Easy Steps to Implement Your One Sticky Sustainable Habit During the Holidays renewal-on-the-go sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

Often the Holiday season can feel like a race, leaving us more tired by the end, with us needing to do self-care 'damage control' in January. I've been there, done that.


Avoid Stress & Build Your Habits the Easy Way – Using a God-Given Brain Gift renewal-on-the-go sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

As Christian women, many times we long to sustain our daily routines, but with the many life demands we have, it is easy to drop the habits and then feel disappointed in...

Befriend Your Perfectionism: 3 Phases of How Change Really Happens achieving highest potential renewal-on-the-go sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

As Christians, we share a deep longing to be closer to God - to follow in His footsteps and to be like Him. It's a beautiful vocation, yet there are common dilemmas that many...

New Research! Don't have time to exercise? Even 5 min. a day can make a difference grow with science & psychology renewal-on-the-go sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

Many Professional Christian Women, in the midst of their busy lives and the multitude of responsibilities, do not have time to take care of their own well-being. Because they...

When Motivation Runs Out: Design your Space to Support your Habits - Part 3 achieving highest potential sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

As a giver, have you been putting off your own projects or habits due to the many demands in your life? And in this New Year are you ready to turn things around, but not sure...

When Motivation Runs Out: Train Your Subconscious Brain - Part 2 achieving highest potential sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

When we are running low on motivation, is there a way to help ourselves and support our mind, so that we can keep our habits with ease and progress toward our goals?

And if...

When Motivation Runs Out: Bridging the Gap between Thoughts and Actions - Part 1 achieving highest potential sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

What do we do when motivation runs out? It is so helpful to have inner drive to do things, but many times we don't have the same level of motivation or energy.

And this is...

How to Set Intentions for the New Year achieving highest potential sustaining wholesome habits time in renewal

by Dr. Ioana Popa

It can be exciting to set intentions and goals at the beginning of the year, but for many people it is tricky to actually follow through with them. This is especially true...

Can Motivation be Internal or External? achieving highest potential renewal-on-the-go sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

Many people believe that motivation is important in order to achieve our goals and intentions, and the dilemmas become should motivation be internal or external?


The Yo-Yo Self-care problem: the core dilemma leading to burnout sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

It is widespread in our culture to think of self-care as a 'one time reset', as a 'project' - "If I can only regenerate this time, then I can later maintain this new rhythm"....

How can Working on Identity and Staying in the Now Impact Your Habits Part 5 achieving highest potential sustaining wholesome habits time in renewal

by Dr. Ioana Popa

How can working on your identity and staying in the now impact your habits? As a follow-up to last week's Renewal Nugget - I share in the last part, Part 5, another type of inner...

Internal Dialogue: Can it help in sustaining better habits? Part 4 achieving highest potential inner parts work sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

In sustaining long-term habits and rituals, there is one aspect that is often  OVERLOOKED! It is the nature of our inner conversations as we go about our day and hope to keep...

The Unconventional yet Effortless Way to Build Habits Part 3 achieving highest potential sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

Do you feel like you've already tried multiple ways to keep yourself motivated to implement a habit or reach a goal? At some point, you might even have started to think that there...

How To Build Habits That Stick Part 2: Take deliberation out achieving highest potential sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

Do you feel like you've already tried multiple ways to keep yourself motivated to implement a habit or reach a goal? At some point, you might even have started to think that there...

How To Build Habits That Stick Part 1: Motivation or Effortless Will? achieving highest potential sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

How many times do we set goals or plan new habits, get excited initially, to only lose our energy a few weeks later, and go back to our default way of being, without feeling the...

Why Self-Care is Not One-Size-Fits-All achieving highest potential renewal-on-the-go sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

Is this you? Trying different self-care routines, programs or advice and finding yourself feeling frustrated because nothing seems to work or stick long enough?

If so,...

Befriending Our 'Self-Sacrificing' Part achieving highest potential inner parts work renewal-on-the-go sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

If you feel guilty and undeserving of ‘self-care’ moments even though you know you feel at times running on empty, this video is for you!

As a giver, you might...

Prepare For Giving: Our Needs At The Body Level prepare for giving renewal-on-the-go sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

We are often conditioned to think that the needs of our bodies are more elaborate than they really are. In our culture, it is not uncommon for us to get dissatisfied with our...

Prepare for Giving: Waking Up With Clarity Of Mind prepare for giving renewal-on-the-go sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

What is your state of your mind in the morning as you wake up? Do you wake up with a clear mind focused for your day of giving? Or do you wake up with your mind feeling...

How To Overcome Renewal & Self-Care Blocks:"Lack Of Time"- Part 2 renewal-on-the-go sustaining wholesome habits time in renewal

by Dr. Ioana Popa

Last week, I talked about the CHOICE we have in terms of perceiving if we are busy or not (independent of how busy we actually are) and the importance of 'upgrading' our old...

How To Overcome Renewal & Self-Care Blocks:"Lack Of Time"- Part 1 renewal-on-the-go sustaining wholesome habits time in renewal

by Dr. Ioana Popa

As givers and compassionate human beings, it is common to encounter many blocks to self-care and renewal. And, from the intense and fast paced schedule, to other...

Self-Care Rhythm and Keeping Your Body Healthy renewal conversations sustaining wholesome habits

Interview with Cynthia Damaskos - Holistic Health Coach

Welcome to our very first Renewal Interview - monthly series of our Team For The Soul® - Renewal Nuggets - An Oasis in the Midst of...

The Power Of Small Changes In Building Sustainable Habits achieving highest potential renewal-on-the-go sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

What are some helpful ways of changing, building and sticking to new habits? Some people usually just jump in, doing big changes immediately in their routines. For some...

Finding Balance: Renewal on the Heart, Mind, Body, Soul renewal-on-the-go sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

Most of us heard about burnout and some of us might even be going through this at the moment! Each of us have different ways of coping and preventing stress and burnout, but...