How To Overcome Renewal & Self-Care Blocks:"Lack Of Time"- Part 2

by Dr. Ioana Popa
Last week, I talked about the CHOICE we have in terms of perceiving if we are busy or not (independent of how busy we actually are) and the importance of 'upgrading' our old conditionings about time, so that we feel less 'time scarcity' and a victim of our circumstances.
Check here if you haven't seen it yet:
In this week's Renewal Nugget - Part 2, I continue to share about this Renewal Block that we have in our own mind - 'I don't have time", which when brought to consciousness, can be updated.
There are ways to regenerate while we go about our day and we can be creative around scheduling time for our own regeneration.
In the video I share a quick way to regenerate throughout your day, so that you can keep on giving to others, even if you have a busy schedule.
As they say in medicine: "prevention is better then treatment".
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