'Mind Your Mind': Powerful Tips to Shift Thoughts & Assumptions with Dr. Randa Anderson

by Dr. Ioana Popa
“Is everything really the way it appears to you? Always put a question mark after every thought, since you usually look at things with a negative slant…If you put two question marks, it is better. If you put three, it is better still.” - St. Paisios (modern saint from Mt. Athos).
Our mind and thoughts are so helpful in navigating our responsibilities and life, but on the flip side, they can get us at times into difficulties, as thoughts are usually a reflection of our subconscious assumptions and beliefs.
It is comforting to know that christian faith and psychology point to the same reality - that thoughts can and need to be questioned, in order to identify our assumptions and clear the lens through which we see the world.
In this Renewal Conversation, meet Dr. Randa Anderson, an Orthodox Licensed Clinical Psychologist and OCAMPR President (Orthodox Christian Association in Medicine, Psychology and Religion) who shares her journey and addresses some powerful tips to shift thoughts, assumptions and clarify beliefs.
Get ready to discover:
→ Dr. Randa's journey as an Orthodox Clinical Psychologist and how her faith shaped her vocation
→ The importance of daily renewal through prayer, scripture, and Christian community
→ The 'mind your mind' principle in navigating thoughts
→ Two models of navigating and discerning thoughts
If you're ready for this transformative conversation - CLICK PLAY NOW!
Your sister in Christ,
Dr. Ioana
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