Thriving In Christ


with Dr. Ioana Popa

Faith, Spirituality and Renewal achieving highest potential care for the soul - true self renewal conversations

Interview with Dr. Dee Jaquet - Clinical Pastoral Education Supervisor

Welcome to our Renewal Conversations, as part of our Team For The Soul® - Renewal Nuggets, an Oasis in the Midst of...

Befriending Our 'Self-Sacrificing' Part achieving highest potential inner parts work renewal-on-the-go sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

If you feel guilty and undeserving of ‘self-care’ moments even though you know you feel at times running on empty, this video is for you!

As a giver, you might...

Inner Parts Work and Spirituality achieving highest potential care for the soul - true self inner parts work renewal conversations

Interview with Dr. Tom Holmes - Psychologist, Author and International Trainer

Welcome to our Renewal Conversations, as part of our Team For The Soul® - Renewal Nuggets, an Oasis in the Midst...

Befriending 'Procrastination' in Self-Care achieving highest potential inner parts work renewal-on-the-go

by Dr. Ioana Popa

As givers, at times we tend to postpone or procrastinate our self-care or renewal routine because we feel we don't have the time, as we are too busy helping others. It is...

Perfectionism in Self-care: Why It Matters And How To Befriend It achieving highest potential inner parts work renewal-on-the-go

by Dr. Ioana Popa

Most of us have a side of us that is striving for perfection. This can be good at times as it helps us make sure everything gets done well, however, too much of it can also...

Our Ego: Why It Matters And How To Befriend It achieving highest potential inner parts work

by Dr. Ioana Popa

Have you heard of the term Ego, and not sure what to do with it? I’ve been seeing many psychological and spiritual teachings recommending shutting down our Ego as a...

The Call to Self as a Giver & Preventing Burnout achieving highest potential care for the soul - true self renewal conversations

Interview with Jon Schottland - Senior Psychosynthesis Trainer

Welcome to our monthly Renewal Interview, as part of our Team For The Soul® - Renewal Nuggets, an Oasis in the Midst of Action.


Prepare For Giving: Our Needs At The Body Level prepare for giving renewal-on-the-go sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

We are often conditioned to think that the needs of our bodies are more elaborate than they really are. In our culture, it is not uncommon for us to get dissatisfied with our...

Prepare for Giving: Waking Up With Clarity Of Mind prepare for giving renewal-on-the-go sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

What is your state of your mind in the morning as you wake up? Do you wake up with a clear mind focused for your day of giving? Or do you wake up with your mind feeling...

How To Overcome Renewal & Self-Care Blocks:"Lack Of Time"- Part 2 renewal-on-the-go sustaining wholesome habits time in renewal

by Dr. Ioana Popa

Last week, I talked about the CHOICE we have in terms of perceiving if we are busy or not (independent of how busy we actually are) and the importance of 'upgrading' our old...

How To Overcome Renewal & Self-Care Blocks:"Lack Of Time"- Part 1 renewal-on-the-go sustaining wholesome habits time in renewal

by Dr. Ioana Popa

As givers and compassionate human beings, it is common to encounter many blocks to self-care and renewal. And, from the intense and fast paced schedule, to other...

2 Mindset Upgrades To Avoid Burnout and Keep On Giving achieving highest potential renewal-on-the-go

by Dr. Ioana Popa

Many compassionate human beings find themselves in situations where they are asked to do too much, or they voluntarily pick up doing much more, as others in their team,...

Realign With Your Purpose In Life and Avoid Overwhelm From Other's Needs achieving highest potential emotional regulation renewal-on-the-go

by Dr. Ioana Popa

As a giver, if you feel at times getting pulled in too many directions during your busy days - juggling different demands from work, family and other people, while squeezing...

Self-Care Rhythm and Keeping Your Body Healthy renewal conversations sustaining wholesome habits

Interview with Cynthia Damaskos - Holistic Health Coach

Welcome to our very first Renewal Interview - monthly series of our Team For The Soul® - Renewal Nuggets - An Oasis in the Midst of...

Short Contemplative Practice - Toward Peace In Times of Stress & Grief achieving highest potential care for the soul - true self contemplative practices on grief

by Dr. Ioana Popa

In light of the recent events happening in the world - war, pandemic, and other heartbreaking events, many people now are experiencing grief and stress. If, as a GIVER,...

Navigating Our Emotions: 3 Helpful Mindsets To Better Understand Them achieving highest potential after workday - separate & release emotional regulation renewal-on-the-go

by Dr. Ioana Popa

At the end of the day we might have lots of emotions and it might be tricky sometimes to know what to do with them, besides shutting them down, as we just want some quiet...

3 Simple Tips to Settle Your Mind At The End Of The Day achieving highest potential after workday - separate & release renewal-on-the-go

by Dr. Ioana Popa

How do you usually feel at the end of your workday? Do you tend to...
have lingering thoughts about your to-do list?
feel pre-occupied about something that happened or you...

How To Stay In Flow: A 2-Step Practice You Can Do With Ease achieving highest potential care for the soul - true self renewal-on-the-go staying in flow

by Dr. Ioana Popa

"How can I stay grounded and present through the ups and downs of the day, like the "Eye" of the storm?" Most of us GIVERS would love to feel a sense of peace, regeneration...

The Benefits Of Staying In Flow And Being Present In The Now achieving highest potential care for the soul - true self renewal-on-the-go staying in flow

by Dr. Ioana Popa

Do you wish to be in a grounded presence, so no matter what happens around you, you can have a sense of peace, calm, focus and access internal and external resources? And is...

Why It's Important To Regenerate, Renew and Practice Daily Self-Care achieving highest potential renewal-on-the-go staying in flow time in renewal

by Dr. Ioana Popa

Do you think self-care and daily renewal are important? Most likely it is a 'YES!' but even though most of us know this, it is often hard to prioritize and find time or...

Overcoming the No 1 Self-care and Renewal Block: Not enough TIME renewal-on-the-go time in renewal

by Dr. Ioana Popa

“I don’t have enough time” is one of the most common concerns from generous people. No matter what profession you're in—doctor, nurse, spiritual care...

Serendipitous Moments: Easy Ways To Feel Regenerated On-the-go care for the soul - true self regenerate & renew renewal-on-the-go time in renewal

by Dr. Ioana Popa

What if you only have a few minutes to do self-care? What if creating a space for yourself to regenerate, renew, and just breathe doesn't have to take a lot of effort, and...

How To Prevent Burnout- Creating Small Pockets of Self Care and Renewal achieving highest potential regenerate & renew renewal-on-the-go time in renewal

by Dr. Ioana Popa

If you’re someone in the helping profession (health care, educator, leader, caregiver, healer, entrepreneur), you might be wondering at times how to best prioritize...

3 Steps to Set Meaningful Intentions For The New Year achieving highest potential renewal-on-the-go

by Dr. Ioana Popa

Do you find it hard sometimes to follow through with your list of New Year's resolutions? The challenge for most people is that we can set up big goals which might be hard to...

Simple Key to Prevent Burnout - Renew in the Now renewal-on-the-go

by Dr. Ioana Popa

Are you someone who:
-Would love to be able to relax and take time off but feel like you need to finish first your work?
-Is looking to push to complete your to-do list and...

Presence and Grounding: Centering in Everyday Life achieving highest potential care for the soul - true self renewal-on-the-go staying in flow

by Dr. Ioana Popa

Many people ask me, “How do I find inner peace?” You might be surprised when I say we all have many qualities inside such as awareness, presence, sense of self...

Prepare for Giving: Grounding your Feelings achieving highest potential care for the soul - true self emotional regulation prepare for giving

by Dr. Ioana Popa

Do you wake-up some days feeling refreshed and ready for the day and other days feeling tired by the upcoming tasks on your to-do list? Many times these emotions surface...

Prepare for Giving: Waking Up To Your Soul achieving highest potential care for the soul - true self prepare for giving renewal-on-the-go

by Dr. Ioana Popa

How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? Peaceful or distressed? Our morning state from our emotions, mind to body can vary from day to day.

However, one aspect...

Renewal Nuggets with Dr. Ioana Popa renewal-on-the-go

Hi, I’m Dr. Ioana Popa, and I’m so glad to have you in this shared virtual space!

I bring a unique blend of psychology, science, life coaching and spiritual care and it is my mission...

SCARCITY & ABUNDANCE Mindset: Bringing Abundance In Your Life by Giving achieving highest potential renewal-on-the-go

by Dr. Ioana Popa

What's the first thing you think of when asked to give and donate to others, especially in this season? “If I only have more money, I can then give to others. I have to...

The Power Of Small Changes In Building Sustainable Habits achieving highest potential renewal-on-the-go sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

What are some helpful ways of changing, building and sticking to new habits? Some people usually just jump in, doing big changes immediately in their routines. For some...

Finding Balance: Renewal on the Heart, Mind, Body, Soul renewal-on-the-go sustaining wholesome habits

by Dr. Ioana Popa

Most of us heard about burnout and some of us might even be going through this at the moment! Each of us have different ways of coping and preventing stress and burnout, but...

3 Steps To Prevent Burnout Today renewal-on-the-go

by Dr. Ioana Popa

Wondering when is the best time to start preventing burnout? It's in the NOW - the present moment.

You might think that burnout happens only for some people, or only in...

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